
"Oh yeah, the shapes of the Hershey's Kisses and Hugs are rather peculiar too!! Objectifying women, now, aren't you?!"


Trivium: one of my favourite bands. I went to see them (my first rock concert) in January at the Trocadero in Philadelphia and it was brilliant! I stood in the first row and got a guitar pick :D

Mary Had A Little Lamb

Nowadays with factory farming, lambs are born year-round. Also, I actually love the winter.

Organic Chemistry I

I have an organic chemistry exam on Wednesday. I really dislike organic chemistry. I respect the subject and all the good and bad things that have been produced thanks to organic chemistry. However, attempting to learn organic chemistry makes me cry and has ruined by GPA substantially. I know that even if this exact example appears on the exam, I'm still going to get 0 points for it because I'm going to misread it and have the OH- attack a C instead of a H.

To explain this comic (to the best of my understanding, which is... little): 
Usually, OH- is not a good leaving group. However, in the case of resonance stabilised enolates, when OH- leaves, the resulting conjugated system (2 double bonds, conjugated) is stable and the reaction is exothermic.

In terms that I can understand: Usually, OH- doesn't like to detach from a compound. This is an exception to the rule because when OH- detaches from the compound, the compound can make another double bond. Compounds like double bonds (especially conjugated ones) because it makes them stable. These exceptions upset me.

Note: None of this stuff is to scale/has correct bond angles/bond lengths and I probably even messed up here regarding the chemistry (which is, well, sad). R represents the R group of your choice.


The paramedics will probably also need gas masks. Looks like she has a wheel of Stilton...and what's that at the bottom? A cuboid of Limburger? How pungent!


I watched Battle Royale on Monday and it was amazing! I liked the skirts the most!